Why Shop Small? The Importance of Choosing Local Businesses

Thank you for shopping local

Just a few generations ago most businesses were small local merchants.

Today, consumers have a wide variety of choices when shopping for goods and services. While these choices offer convenience and pricing options, local businesses are still very much present in your neighborhood and need your support. Here are just a few reasons why you should patronize your small local establishments:

We’re your neighbors

We are not big corporations, we’re your friends and neighbors! We live in the community and are involved and engaged in the same things you are! Spending your dollars locally supports the local economy and keeps jobs in the community.

We give back

Small businesses often give back, donating goods and services, helping with charity fundraisers and volunteering our time for great causes. We care about our community and want to see it succeed.

We’re personal

No matter what, you are always a person, not a number. We take the time to get to know your needs and preferences, providing personalized services and cultivating lasting relationships.

What you can do

Beyond shopping at your local businesses there are many ways you can help:

  • Follow them on social media: Like, comment and interact with their content. This helps others find them and draws attention to their good work!
  • Write a positive review: It costs you nothing but a few moments of your time and can be of great help to a small business with a limited marketing budget.
  • Tell a friend: Whenever possible gift goods or services to your friends, loved ones and neighbors for gift-giving occasions.
  • Keep coming back: Loyal customers are the lifeblood of small businesses. You can be confident that your patronage is appreciated and valued!
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